About me
As an advocate of naturopathic nutrition, I believe that consuming the right food can act powerfully to maintain and support good health.
After graduating from University, I joined the corporate world, experiencing first-hand the difficulty in trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle alongside the stresses of living in London. I was constantly tired, run down and generally just feeling a little bit rubbish.
As a result I did two things. I qualified as a Nutritional Therapist, so that I could better understand how to utilise food as a mechanism in promoting and supporting good health. I also developed my interest in Indian cooking, and in particular being able to create Indian-inspired dishes that not only captured the flavour and tradition of my native food, but was also healthier, easier and quicker to cook.
This brings me to now. By modifying my diet and lifestyle, I have never felt better! And I want to help other people feel wonderful too. I want to share everything I've learnt to help us all become more healthy versions of ourselves.